RACE #23 Of The Secureum Bootcamp Epoch∞

This is a mirror of a Write-Up on RACE-23, Quiz of the Secureum Bootcamp (opens in a new tab) for Ethereum Smart Contract Auditors. It was designed by Secureum Mentor Jon Stephens (opens in a new tab), from Veridise (opens in a new tab).

The original version of this document can be found at https://veridise.notion.site/veridise/RACE-23-Answers-d63cb0b5373f43f0ba43612e89596547 (opens in a new tab)

Participants of this quiz had to answer 8 questions within the strict time limit of 64 minutes on Zero Knowledge, Circom, and Merkle Trees. If you’re reading this in preparation for participating yourself, it’s best to give it a try under the same time limit!


include "circomlib/circuits/poseidon.circom";
include "circomlib/circuits/bitify.circom";

template Mux() {
    signal input in[2];
    signal input s;
    signal output out[2];

    out[0] <-- (s == 0) ? in[0] : in[1];
    out[1] <-- (s == 0) ? in[1] : in[0];

template ComputeTreeRoot(nLevels) {
    signal input leaf;
    signal input indices[nLevels];
    signal input siblings[nLevels];

    signal output root;

    component muxes[nLevels];
    component hashers[nLevels];

    signal hashes[nLevels + 1];
    hashes[0] <-- leaf;

    for (var i = 0; i < nLevels; i++) {
        hashers[i] = Poseidon(2);
        muxes[i] = Mux();

        muxes[i].in[0] <== hashes[i];
        muxes[i].in[1] <== siblings[i];
        muxes[i].s <== indices[i];

        hashers[i].inputs[0] <== muxes[i].out[0];
        hashers[i].inputs[1] <== muxes[i].out[1];

        hashes[i + 1] <== hashers[i].out;

    hashes[0] === leaf;
    root <== hashes[nLevels];

// treeAdd.circom

include "circomlib/circuits/poseidon.circom";
include "circomlib/circuits/bitify.circom";
include "./tree.circom";

template MerkleTreeAdd(nLevels) {
    signal input oldVal;
    signal input amount;
    signal input index;
    signal input siblings[nLevels];

    signal input oldRoot;
    signal output newRoot;
    signal output nullifier;

    component indexBits = Num2Bits(nLevels);
    indexBits.in <== index;

    component newRootCalc = ComputeTreeRoot(nLevels);
    component oldRootCalc = ComputeTreeRoot(nLevels);
    oldRootCalc.leaf <== oldVal;
    newRootCalc.leaf <== oldVal + amount;

    for (var i = 0; i < nLevels; i++) {
        oldRootCalc.siblings[i] <== siblings[i];
        oldRootCalc.indices[i] <== indexBits.out[i];
        newRootCalc.siblings[i] <== siblings[i];
        newRootCalc.indices[i] <== indexBits.out[i];

    oldRootCalc.root === oldRoot;
    newRoot <== newRootCalc.root;

    component nullifierHash = Poseidon(1);
    nullifierHash.inputs[0] <== oldVal + amount;
    nullifier <== nullifierHash.out;

component main {public [oldRoot, index, amount]} = MerkleTreeAdd(32);
// treeSub.circom

include "circomlib/circuits/poseidon.circom";
include "circomlib/circuits/bitify.circom";
include "./tree.circom";

template MerkleTreeSub(nLevels) {
    signal input oldVal;
    signal input amount;
    signal input index;
    signal input siblings[nLevels];

    signal input oldRoot;
    signal output newRoot;
    signal output nullifier;

    component indexBits = Num2Bits(nLevels);
    indexBits.in <== index;

    component newRootCalc = ComputeTreeRoot(nLevels);
    component oldRootCalc = ComputeTreeRoot(nLevels);
    oldRootCalc.leaf <== oldVal;
    newRootCalc.leaf <== oldVal - amount;

    for (var i = 0; i < nLevels; i++) {
        oldRootCalc.siblings[i] <== siblings[i];
        oldRootCalc.indices[i] <== indexBits.out[i];
        newRootCalc.siblings[i] <== siblings[i];
        newRootCalc.indices[i] <== indexBits.out[i];

    oldRootCalc.root === oldRoot;
    newRoot <== newRootCalc.root;

    component nullifierHash = Poseidon(1);
    nullifierHash.inputs[0] <== oldVal - amount;
    nullifier <== nullifierHash.out;

component main {public [oldRoot, index, amount]} = MerkleTreeSub(32);

// PrivateToken.sol

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;

// Invokes verifier generated by snarkjs
interface IVerifier {
    function verifyAdd(uint256 oldRoot, uint256 index, uint256 amount, uint256 newRoot, uint256 nullifier, uint256[8] calldata proof) external returns (bool);
    function verifySub(uint256 oldRoot, uint256 index, uint256 amount, uint256 newRoot, uint256 nullifier, uint256[8] calldata proof) external returns (bool);

contract PrivateToken {
    mapping(uint256 => bool) usedNullifiers;
    uint256 public root;
    IVerifier verifier;
    address minter;

    struct OperationProof {
        uint256 oldRoot;
        uint256 index;
        uint256 amount;
        uint256 newRoot;
        uint256 nullifier;
        uint256[8] proof;

    event Mint(uint256 oldRoot, uint256 index, uint256 amount, uint256 newRoot, uint256 nullifier);
    event Burn(uint256 oldRoot, uint256 index, uint256 amount, uint256 newRoot, uint256 nullifier);
    event Transfer(uint256 oldRoot, uint256 from, uint256 to, uint256 amount, uint256 newRoot, uint256 fromNullifier, uint256 toNullifier);

    constructor(address v, address m) {
        // root of tree with height of 32 and 0s for each leaf
        root = 19057105225525447794058879360670244229202611178388892366137113354909512903676;
        verifier = IVerifier(v);
        minter = m;

    function burn(OperationProof calldata subProof) external {
        usedNullifiers[subProof.nullifier] = true;
        root = subProof.newRoot;

        require(verifier.verifySub(subProof.oldRoot, subProof.index, subProof.amount, subProof.newRoot, subProof.nullifier, subProof.proof));

        emit Burn(subProof.oldRoot, subProof.index, subProof.amount, subProof.newRoot, subProof.nullifier);

    function mint(OperationProof calldata addProof) external {
        require(msg.sender == minter);
        usedNullifiers[addProof.nullifier] = true;
        root = addProof.newRoot;

        require(verifier.verifyAdd(addProof.oldRoot, addProof.index, addProof.amount, addProof.newRoot, addProof.nullifier, addProof.proof));

        emit Mint(addProof.oldRoot, addProof.index, addProof.amount, addProof.newRoot, addProof.nullifier);

    function transfer(OperationProof calldata addProof, OperationProof calldata subProof) external {
        require(addProof.amount == subProof.amount);
        usedNullifiers[addProof.nullifier] = true;
        usedNullifiers[subProof.nullifier] = true;

        require(verifier.verifyAdd(addProof.oldRoot, addProof.index, addProof.amount, addProof.newRoot, addProof.nullifier, addProof.proof));
        require(verifier.verifySub(subProof.oldRoot, subProof.index, subProof.amount, subProof.newRoot, subProof.nullifier, subProof.proof));

        require(addProof.oldRoot == subProof.newRoot || addProof.newRoot == subProof.oldRoot);
        uint256 oldRoot;
        if(addProof.oldRoot == subProof.newRoot) {
            oldRoot = subProof.oldRoot;
            root = addProof.newRoot;
        else {
            oldRoot = addProof.oldRoot;
            root = subProof.newRoot;

        emit Transfer(oldRoot, subProof.index, addProof.index, addProof.amount, root, subProof.nullifier, addProof.nullifier);

Question 1 of 8

A call to PrivateToken.transfer may revert for which, if any, of the following reasons?

  • A. The current root does not match either addProof.oldRoot or subProof.oldRoot.
  • B. The amounts declared in addProof and subProof do not match.
  • C. A nullifier has been used in the past.
  • D. Either addProof or subProof does not verify.
  • E. None of the above

Correct Picks: B, C, D.

B, C and D all correspond to requires in burn, but there is no root check so A must be false

Question 2 of 8

Which, if any, of the following statements hold with respect to MerkleTreeAdd?

  • A. The MerkleTreeAdd circuit will only verify computations where MerkleTreeAdd.oldVal is in the merkle tree with root MerkleTreeAdd.oldRoot.
  • B. The MerkleTreeAdd circuit will only verify computations where the leaf is at the location given by MerkleTreeAdd.index in the merkle tree with root MerkleTreeAdd.oldRoot.
  • C. The MerkleTreeAdd circuit will only verify computations where the root calculated by ComputeTreeRoot matches MerkleTreeAdd.oldRoot.
  • D. The MerkleTreeAdd circuit will only verify computations where the sum of MerkleTreeAdd.oldVal and MerkleTreeAdd.amount are in the merkle tree with root MerkleTreeAdd.newRoot.
  • E. None of the above

Correct Picks: C.

  • A is not correct because of the unconstrained mux.
  • B is not correct for the same reason.
  • C is correct because of a check in MerkleTreeAdd, which ensures the root matches.
  • D is not correct because of the unconstrained mux.

Question 3 of 8

Which, if any, of the following statements hold with respect to a user's balance?

  • A. The balance associated with a user's ID is private and cannot be known after funds have been allocated to it.
  • B. A user must know the balance associated with an ID to spend funds from it.
  • C. An index in the merkle tree is tied to a specific address so the associated balance corresponds to that address's balance.
  • D. If the root of the tree doesn't change, a user can always show that their balance is contained in the tree.
  • E. None of the above

Correct Picks: D.

There are two privacy leaks that allow someone to learn a user's balance, so A is not correct. B is not correct because of the unconstrained mux. C is not correct because there is no logic that ties an address to an index. D is correct because if the root has not changed, then someone's merkle proof must remain valid.

Question 4 of 8

Which, if any, of the following statements hold with respect to how a user's balance may change?

  • A. Upon a burn, a user's balance will either decrease or remain the same.
  • B. Upon a mint, a user's balance will either increase or remain the same.
  • C. Upon a transfer, the sum of user balances stored in the tree is constant.
  • D. During a mint, burn and transfer, only the balances at the indicated indices will change.
  • E. None of the above

Correct Picks: E.

None of these hold since the balance values may overflow and the unconstrained mux.

Question 5 of 8

Which, if any, of the following signals are under-constrained (i.e. a signal may be assigned to at least two different values while keeping the circuit inputs constant)?

  • A. MerkleTreeSub.newRoot
  • B. ComputeTreeRoot.hashes[0]
  • C. MerkleTreeAdd.nullifier
  • D. MerkleTreeSub.oldRootCalc.root
  • E. None of the above

Correct Picks: A.

A is under-constrained because of the unconstrained mux. B is not under-constrained because of the === constraint at the end of the circuit. C is not underconstrained due to <==. Finally, D is not under-constrained since it is explicitly constrained to an input in MerkleTreeSub.

Question 6 of 8

Which, if any, of the following may occur during a burn?

  • A. A user may burn more funds than they own.
  • B. The new computed root will not be saved.
  • C. The balances stored in the merkle tree may be arbitrarily manipulated.
  • D. Every user can burn their entire balance.
  • E. None of the above

Correct Picks: A, C.

  • A holds due to the overflow.
  • B does not hold since burn does store the new root.
  • C holds due to the under-constrained mux.
  • D does not hold since the nullifier is tied to user balances, so only one user may have balance 0.

Question 7 of 8

With respect to the nullifier, which, if any, of the following statements hold?

  • A. The nullifier leaks information about a user's balance.
  • B. The nullifier will prevent users from submitting the same proof twice.
  • C. If a nullifier is used by some user, another user will likely not be affected.
  • D. The computed value of the nullifier is under-constrained.
  • E. None of the above

Correct Picks: A,B.

  • A holds because it hashes the balance directly and so if two nullifiers conflict,  you have learned something about the balance of the user who used it previously.
  • B is correct since the same proof will result in the same balance and therefore the same nullifier.
  • C is not correct due to the issue identified in A.
  • D is not correct because the nullifier is explicitly constrained to be the hash of two input values.

Question 8 of 8

Which, if any, of the following correspond to potential attacks that can be used against the protocol?

  • A. Replay Attack
  • B. Denial of Service
  • C. Under-constrained Signal Manipulation
  • D. Arithmetic Overflow
  • E. None of the above

Correct Picks: B, C, D.

  • As discussed in Q7, you cannot replay proofs so A is not correct.
  • B is correct due to the balance issue from Q6, someone can perform a Dos.
  • C is correct as there are under-constrained signals that impact the output of the circuit.
  • D is correct since since the balance add and sub may overflow.