EVM Puzzles – Second Wind

March 12, 2022 by patrickd

Just shortly after publishing my write-up on Franco Victorio's EVM Puzzles (opens in a new tab) he finished to "Re-write the whole thing" (opens in a new tab)!

It's now interactive, meaning you no longer have to edit the puzzle files to solve them but instead just type your solution directly into the console. And instead of having to look at the bytecode embedded in JavaScript, it now too is nicely displayed within the console with colors and addresses. But most importantly, the puzzles themselves have changed and there's now 10 of them!

Note that I'll assume you've read my previous blog post already, or that you've solved the old version, since I'll not explain the opcodes that were already discussed there in detail again.

Puzzle #1

00      34      CALLVALUE
01      56      JUMP
02      FD      REVERT
03      FD      REVERT
04      FD      REVERT
05      FD      REVERT
06      FD      REVERT
07      FD      REVERT
08      5B      JUMPDEST
09      00      STOP

? Enter the value to send:

The new first puzzle is very similar to the old one, just this time the JUMP's destination value is not based on CALLDATASIZE (the length of data sent) but instead taken from the CALLVALUE. Here we no longer have to do any counting in order to determine where we want to jump to, we can just directly read the address of the JUMPDEST opcode which is 08.

So let's send a transaction value of 8 as solution, which will cause a jump to the only available jump-destination and then ends the execution without error. It doesn't really matter that STOP is the next instruction after JUMPDEST since that's implicitly the case at the end of an EVM program anyway.

Puzzle #2

00      34      CALLVALUE
01      38      CODESIZE
02      03      SUB
03      56      JUMP
04      FD      REVERT
05      FD      REVERT
06      5B      JUMPDEST
07      00      STOP
08      FD      REVERT
09      FD      REVERT

? Enter the value to send:

Once more, very similar to the previous version with the biggest difference in it using the value instead of calldata-size again. The CODESIZE is 10 (last address + 1) and the only JUMPDEST is located at offset 06.

We need to calculate CODESIZE minus the value we send, and have the result be 6. Therefore, sending a 4 is the solution.

This time it was essential that STOP came after JUMPDEST since otherwise, the instruction pointer would have run into a REVERT causing a failure of execution.

Puzzle #3

00      36      CALLDATASIZE
01      56      JUMP
02      FD      REVERT
03      FD      REVERT
04      5B      JUMPDEST
05      00      STOP

? Enter the calldata:

It appears CALLDATASIZE is now being introduced as a new "mechanic". Again, we can see that the only valid jump destination is located at 04, which means we'll have to send any 4 bytes (eg. 00000000) as transaction calldata in order to reach the end.

Puzzle #4

00      34      CALLVALUE
01      38      CODESIZE
02      18      XOR
03      56      JUMP
04      FD      REVERT
05      FD      REVERT
06      FD      REVERT
07      FD      REVERT
08      FD      REVERT
09      FD      REVERT
0A      5B      JUMPDEST
0B      00      STOP

? Enter the value to send:

This code will calculate CODESIZE ^ CALLVALUE and use the result as jump target with the only valid jump-destination being at 0A (or 10 in decimal). With the code size being 12, what we have to solve here is 12 ^ CALLVALUE = 10 or 12 ^ 10 = CALLVALUE:

0  1  1  0  0 |     12
0  1  0  1  0 | XOR 10
0  0  1  1  0 |    = 6

The solution is 6!

Puzzle #5

00      34          CALLVALUE
01      80          DUP1
02      02          MUL
03      610100      PUSH2 0100
06      14          EQ
07      600C        PUSH1 0C
09      57          JUMPI
0A      FD          REVERT
0B      FD          REVERT
0C      5B          JUMPDEST
0D      00          STOP
0E      FD          REVERT
0F      FD          REVERT

? Enter the value to send:

The first 3 lines do CALLDATA * CALLDATA and later that result is compared to 0100. Only if that yields 1 (true) the JUMPI will jump to the JUMPDEST at offset 0C.

The 0100 bytes are 256 in decimal and its square root is 16, which is the solution.

Puzzle #6

00      6000      PUSH1 00
02      35        CALLDATALOAD
03      56        JUMP
04      FD        REVERT
05      FD        REVERT
06      FD        REVERT
07      FD        REVERT
08      FD        REVERT
09      FD        REVERT
0A      5B        JUMPDEST
0B      00        STOP

? Enter the calldata:

Here the calldata itself is actually being pushed on the stack and used as jump-destination offset. Just like in the old Puzzle #3, we can't simply send the offset 0a as calldata since it would be padded by 31 zero-values and become a much larger number.

To prevent that, we again have to send 32 bytes: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a.

Puzzle #7

00      36        CALLDATASIZE
01      6000      PUSH1 00
03      80        DUP1
04      37        CALLDATACOPY
05      36        CALLDATASIZE
06      6000      PUSH1 00
08      6000      PUSH1 00
0A      F0        CREATE
0B      3B        EXTCODESIZE
0C      6001      PUSH1 01
0E      14        EQ
0F      6013      PUSH1 13
11      57        JUMPI
12      FD        REVERT
13      5B        JUMPDEST
14      00        STOP

? Enter the calldata:

Things get a lot more interesting now, with the introduction of the CREATE opcode that deploys a new contract. Immediately after the contract was created, it fetches the size of its bytecode using EXTCODESIZE and compares it to 1. Therefore only if the newly deployed contract has a code size of 1 it will make the jump and stop without reverting.

A CREATE consumes 3 items from the stack: A value of wei to transfer, an offset of where the new contract's bytecode is located in the current contract's memory and the length of said bytecode. So far the puzzles never touched memory, but this changes with CALLDATACOPY which also takes its 3 parameters from the stack: The memory destination offset to copy bytes from calldata to, starting at the specified offset and again the final item is the length.

Let's look at how the stack changes instruction by instruction:

00      36        CALLDATASIZE    [CALLDATASIZE]
01      6000      PUSH1 00        [00, CALLDATASIZE]
03      80        DUP1            [00, 00, CALLDATASIZE] (memoryOffset, calldataOffset, length)
04      37        CALLDATACOPY    []

The effect so far is simply that all of the calldata was copied into memory - both calldata and memory have exactly the same contents now. After this, the CREATE is called similarly, telling it to create a contract with the calldata as bytecode which it can copy from memory:

05      36        CALLDATASIZE    [CALLDATASIZE]
06      6000      PUSH1 00        [00, CALLDATASIZE]
08      6000      PUSH1 00        [00, 00, CALLDATASIZE] (weiValue, memoryOffset, length)
0A      F0        CREATE          [ADDRESS]

As hinted before, the address returned by CREATE is then consumed by EXTCODESIZE:

0A      F0        CREATE          [ADDRESS]
0C      6001      PUSH1 01        [01, EXTCODESIZE]
0E      14        EQ              [(EXTCODESIZE == 1)]
0F      6013      PUSH1 13        [13, (EXTCODESIZE == 1)]
11      57        JUMPI           []

At this point, the obvious solution would appear to be sending a single byte, which is then deployed as a new contract's bytecode. But the description of the CREATE operation is misleading because what it expects to find in the memory location you point to is not the runtime bytecode to deploy, but the construction bytecode!

During all of these puzzles we have been looking at the runtime bytecode, so it is easy to forget that every contract is first initialized by a separate piece of code. If you're familiar with Solidity: it's basically the code that you'd put into the constructor. OpenZeppelin has a great blog post about Deconstructing a Solidity Contract (opens in a new tab), explaining the difference and what is really going on under the hood.

What this init bytecode needs to do in short, is returning the actual runtime bytecode that should be deployed as a new contract, and to do that it has to use the RETURN opcode. Return takes offset and size parameters from stack which is a location within memory that should be copied.

To solve this puzzle we have to return a single byte as runtime bytecode within the construction bytecode. Since we don't care what this byte is and because memory is zero-initialized we don't have to actually write any code to memory before returning. We can just tell it to return 1 byte at any offset:

00      6001      PUSH1 01        [01]
01      6000      PUSH1 00        [00, 01] (offset, size)
02      F3        RETURN          []

Since this is really short we don't need an assembler, we can just concatenate the opcodes and end up with 0x60016000F3 as the solution.

Puzzle #8

00      36        CALLDATASIZE
01      6000      PUSH1 00
03      80        DUP1
04      37        CALLDATACOPY
05      36        CALLDATASIZE
06      6000      PUSH1 00
08      6000      PUSH1 00
0A      F0        CREATE
0B      6000      PUSH1 00
0D      80        DUP1
0E      80        DUP1
0F      80        DUP1
10      80        DUP1
11      94        SWAP5
12      5A        GAS
13      F1        CALL
14      6000      PUSH1 00
16      14        EQ
17      601B      PUSH1 1B
19      57        JUMPI
1A      FD        REVERT
1B      5B        JUMPDEST
1C      00        STOP

? Enter the calldata:

The beginning of the puzzle is exactly the same as in the previous one: All calldata is copied into memory and is then used as construction bytecode by CREATE.

Things get interesting afterwards:

0A      F0        CREATE          [ADDRESS]
0B      6000      PUSH1 00        [00, ADDRESS]
0D      80        DUP1            [00, 00, ADDRESS]
0E      80        DUP1            [00, 00, 00, ADDRESS]
0F      80        DUP1            [00, 00, 00, 00, ADDRESS]
10      80        DUP1            [00, 00, 00, 00, 00, ADDRESS]
11      94        SWAP5           [ADDRESS, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
12      5A        GAS             [GAS, ADDRESS, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00]
13      F1        CALL            [SUCCESS]

While it looks awfully complicated, this basically just prepares the stack for executing the CALL opcode, which as the name suggests, calls into the bytecode of another contract.

  1. The amount of gas that should be made available for the execution of the contract being called. Here it's the result of the GAS opcode that returns the overall amount of gas still available.
  2. The target address of the account to call into. Here it's the address that was returned by CREATE, meaning the puzzle will be calling into the contract deployed using our calldata.
  3. The amount of Wei to send as value. Here no ether (00) is sent during the call.
  4. The memory offset where the arguments passed during the call are stored.
  5. The size of the argument data to pass from memory. Here it's 00 meaning no argument data is passed and the memory offset (00) is also irrelevant.
  6. The memory offset where the returned data should be stored to.
  7. The size of the returned data that should be copied into memory. Here it's 00 meaning none of the returned data (if there were any) should be copied into memory, also making the memory destination offset (00) irrelevant.

In summary, we're calling into the contract that was just deployed using the sent calldata. For this puzzle to succeed we need the "success" return value of the CALL opcode to be EQual to 00. That means that the call into the contract must fail, we need it to REVERT.

The solution is similar to the previous one in that we again have to create construction bytecode that deploys a contract with a single byte, but this time the byte must be 0xFD, the REVERT opcode:

00      60FD      PUSH1 FD        [FD]
01      6000      PUSH1 00        [00, FD] (offset, value)
02      53        MSTORE8         [] // Wrote REVERT to memory
03      6001      PUSH1 01        [01]
04      6000      PUSH1 00        [00, 01] (offset, size)
05      F3        RETURN          [] // Returns REVERT from memory

Using the MSTORE8 opcode we can write a single byte to memory. Using that, the construction bytecode we have to send as calldata is 0x60FD60005360016000F3.

Puzzle #9

00      36        CALLDATASIZE
01      6003      PUSH1 03
03      10        LT
04      6009      PUSH1 09
06      57        JUMPI
07      FD        REVERT
08      FD        REVERT
09      5B        JUMPDEST
0A      34        CALLVALUE
0B      36        CALLDATASIZE
0C      02        MUL
0D      6008      PUSH1 08
0F      14        EQ
10      6014      PUSH1 14
12      57        JUMPI
13      FD        REVERT
14      5B        JUMPDEST
15      00        STOP

? Enter the value to send:
? Enter the calldata:

See Puzzle #7 of the previous version.

Puzzle #10

00      38          CODESIZE
01      34          CALLVALUE
02      90          SWAP1
03      11          GT
04      6008        PUSH1 08
06      57          JUMPI
07      FD          REVERT
08      5B          JUMPDEST
09      36          CALLDATASIZE
0A      610003      PUSH2 0003
0D      90          SWAP1
0E      06          MOD
0F      15          ISZERO
10      34          CALLVALUE
11      600A        PUSH1 0A
13      01          ADD
14      57          JUMPI
15      FD          REVERT
16      FD          REVERT
17      FD          REVERT
18      FD          REVERT
19      5B          JUMPDEST
1A      00          STOP

? Enter the value to send:
? Enter the calldata:

See Puzzle #8 of the previous version.


Most of the changes in this version are user experience improvements, only Puzzle #7 and #8 are fresh additions. But they were great ones at that! With the introduction of the CREATE and CALL opcodes they force you to become familiar with the concept of construction and runtime bytecode which is important to understand even when developing with a high-level language such as Solidity.